martes, 26 de mayo de 2015

Rincón de un ex-ateo Rincón de un ex-ateo Suscribirse10.742 Añadir a Compartir Más 1.385.166 3.507 343 CompartirInsertarEnviar por correo MOSTRAR MÁS Actualizado el 20 abr. 2011 Palabras de Saulo de Tarso respecto de su conversión: 1 Timoteo 1:12: Doy gracias al que me fortaleció, a Cristo Jesús nuestro Señor, porque me tuvo por fiel, poniéndome en el ministerio, habiendo yo sido antes blasfemo, perseguidor(B) e injuriador; mas fui recibido a misericordia porque lo hice por ignorancia, en incredulidad. Pero la gracia de nuestro Señor fue más abundante con la fe y el amor que es en Cristo Jesús. Palabra fiel y digna de ser recibida por todos: que Cristo Jesús vino al mundo para salvar a los pecadores, de los cuales yo soy el primero. Pero por esto fui recibido a misericordia, para que Jesucristo mostrase en mí el primero toda su clemencia, para ejemplo de los que habrían de creer en él para vida eterna. Por tanto, al Rey de los siglos, inmortal, invisible, al único y sabio Dios, sea honor y gloria por los siglos de los siglos. Amén. MOSTRAR MÁS TODOS LOS COMENTARIOS (520) Celso Navarro Quispe Comparte tus ideas Mejores comentarios Gabriel Furlan Hace 3 meses Moses is the Devil. Moses is a false prophet. . Moses the False Prophet. Look people, today I will begin one of the most complicated issues to understand, especially when the person worships men, I want to make clear here that the Father did not make us to fear men, neither angels nor demons, neither animals nor death, but made us to love him and to all the brothers, and if we love him we must understand that he wants to come to knowledge of the truth, so do not fear Moses. Moses many say he left Egypt because he refused to wealth, or love for the Jewish people, this is a lie, he left Egypt because he killed a man, and fled away with fear of punishment, which would be severe (A murderer ). After that he is found by a god walking the earth, and that the darkness surrounds it, a big difference from the episode of Saul who became Paul and the Messiah, when the Messiah came to Saul was a stronger light than light the Sun, as God spoke to Moses that his voice came from the darkness (God of Darkness). Moses' God made a difference to people, to whom it mattered was the Hebrews, about to kill the sons of the Egyptians (A god Racist and Homicidal). The Messiah said that Jews have of your father the devil, and the devil is a murderer from the beginning and the father of lies, and that they, the Jews wanted to satisfy his will, and what is the law that they most want to meet ?! It is not their father's law ?! The hell ?! More that devil was transfigured an angel of light and used the body of a man. (Who is it?) Moses going up on Mount Sinai was forty days it received the 10 commandments and out of it, did not obey them, so he sent down all kill themselves, reaching an estimated 3000 deaths, and Moses had said they would be blessed kill the companions (A god bless killers), Moses disobeyed the 10 commandments (Read Exodus 32: 26-29). In addition to all other 600 commandments Moses did, by killing from beginning to end, going against the 10 commandments, and saying that it was all at the behest of God, of course it was even, God's command, at the behest of the Devil. For the Father that dwelleth in the heavens in light, that no man has seen, the same as not dwell in temples made with hands, He who made the heavens and the earth, it is not called God, is not called Jehovah, not called Jesus, is not called Yahu, not called Yeshua, is not called Yeshua, or any other name you know. (Moses created laws to kill the men) To date the worshipers of the law of Moses did not understand what "I desire mercy, not sacrifice," Moses taught people to sacrifice animals, and also Moses made sacrifice children in the wilderness (Exodus 8:26 Read), and in Estevam his defense statement before being stoned to death by the Jews testified that the tabernacle in the wilderness was that carried the tabernacle of Moloch and also said that during the forty years in the desert they served the army of heaven, that is the fallen angels . Moses was the author of the law that condemned the Messiah's death (Read the Gospel of John 19: 7). Moses also made a bronze serpent, disobeying another law of the Ten Commandments. The Father had delivered the 10 commandments to the owner of this world, to show who was going to change the law, and who is disobedient to truth. Moses is the Devil. . . The truth is this, this Bible that you have on hand before it is bible she was writing, the Old Testament passed through the hands of the Jews (The Messiah made it clear that they blasphemed the holy spirit, that is exchanged Truth ( FATHER True), the desert of God [That Mandava kill, sacrifice, sacrifice children, stealing, etc.]), and after that passed by Catholicism that most doctored a bit, calling the Messiah Jesus, which is a totally false name, Isaiah and the Angel testify Emmanuel and well you know the scripture can not be broken, Revelation testifies that the Messiah has a new name (which we do not yet know), the Most High does not dwell in temples made with hands (Churches, Temples "Kingdom Halls", Synagogues, "Tents of the Covenant" and ETC) nor ask anything of our hands, because it need not be served because it does not need anything, but it is he who giveth to all breathing life and other things (Food and Clothing), in the Bible are true prophets (Those who obeyed the law, love the Father, loving your neighbor) and false prophets (They made sacrifices, killed and stole), between the true, absolute Truth is the Messiah, that is not within any dol he said or taught is false, false are Moses (Murderer), Elias (Murderer), Elisha (Murderer), Abraham (He spoke with Demon [What asked his son in sacrifice] and was still Murderer), Jacob, Isaac, Solomon, David and many others. Leer más Responder · 1 Ver todas las 2 respuestas JUAN CARLOS GARCIA GUILLEM Hace 3 semanas No por favor no pienses así el es la verdad, de dios , desarma tu corazón buen hombre ,inténtalo veras tu progresión en la vida Responder · Andy Hoffman Hace 3 meses God does not exist. Religious people are frauds, or deluded. Another-words, cognitively deficient or consciously lying, or both. They claim they know that not only there is god, but also which god is it. They insist that you must join them, otherwise you will burn in hell for eternity. Idiots. They have nothing. They waste time and resources. No place for this in free-inquiry institution, together with alchemy and astrology. The only reasonable studying of these is as historic, folklore, art and culture disciplines. We shall not demolish christian cathedrals. We shall not demolish the Pantheon either. These are great pieces of art and history. We are not vandals. Christianity recognizably had influenced Western Culture. So did slavery, diseases, wars and volcanic eruptions too. But their claims of knowledge of supernatural is crap and should not be taken seriously. They earn their keep by lying to children, frightening them with punishment if they won't believe and "love" an invisible monster, while offering them false comfort if they would and follow. They pre-condition children with stories of Santa who gives gifts for good behavior and whips with a rod or switch for bad. Religion is an malignant fantasy, a false piece of information that evolved into a catchy informational brain virus for the susceptible. They have no better, but actually worse, moral position to tell us what we should do with our lives, just because they wear insignia of faith (cross e.g., is a torture instrument) and some book which has things contradicting reality and itself too, and you better not derive your morals from it either. If their bible is immutable and perfect word of god, then you have to kill adulterers, infidel neighbors and family members, and anybody that works on sabbath too. But if they admit that the bible is not completely perfect and immutable word of god, do they know which pieces of it are and which aren't? No, they do not know that. They have nothing but some random tribal stories, trying to explain things. It was bad explanation because it was early explanation, before they had access to telescope and microscope. They were occasionally discovered something useful, like eating swine could make you sick. Yes, hogs have many common diseases with humans. We control it today and there is no danger. It was a early attempt at history, sociology, geology , medicine (cure by miracle... hahaha), etc. Bible has poetry, history and occasional correct historical mention. Nevertheless, there is no supernatural claimed there. It is partially plagiarized from earlier religion, forgotten by now, like Egyptian god Horus that was worshiped 5000 years ago. Its claims about supernatural are fictitious. Leer más Responder · Yiyo Aguilera Hace 2 meses Y Reem Responder · Luis Alvarez Hace 1 mes Don't worry buddy than in few years you no going to exists anymore but My God live forever Responder · karlos canta Hace 1 semana El título dice: Pablo de Tarso. el era Saulo Y provenia de Tarso mas tarde al adoptar el nombre Cristiano fue Pablo. Que por cierto terrible cabrón fue al perseguir a los cristianos jeje. Un hereje, luego ya no obvio, Gran Maestro en leyes. En fin un ilustrado ese era Pablo. Responder · 1 yzaya LiriaN Hace 1 mes Pero hay que apegarse a las enseñanzas bíblicas, pues algunos carismáticos hacer creer que dios hace las cosas porque nosotros queremos no porque el lo decida, y cuando dios padre les dice que no y sus deseos mundanos no se cumplen entonces dejan da creer pues su convicción fue conveniencia Responder · JimmyMFer Hace 1 mes Cuanta mierda se lee por aquí. Precisamente la mayor prueba de que el concepto de Dios no es más que mierda manada del cerebro es la misma existencia de la jueputa humanidad. El supuesto Diablo es creación de ese mismo Dios y si el Diablo se hizo Diablo a si mismo, es la prueba de que ese Dios, que supuestamente es tan perfecto, se pelo la pija haciendo algo tan imperfecto como el Diablo. Responder · estefani linares Hace 3 semanas +JimmyMFer Dios no creo al diablo lucifer era un angel antes y dios le dio la oportunidad de escoger cual de los 2 mandos bien o mal y el eligio bien luego le dijo a dios lucifer osea satanas:Dios yo quiero ser como tu y sabes que nadie puede ser como dios y lo mando a la tierra con el nombre lucifer lo mando a la tierra por que se malcrio cuando le dijo que no y lucifer escogio entonces el mal y un tercio de los angeles hicieron lo mismo entendiste? Responder · yzaya LiriaN Hace 1 mes If there is no god nothing happens, but if there is a god, who lose moré you or me Responder · ALEXANDRE CORRÊA LIMA Hace 4 días WWW.JW.ORG Copia y pega el ENLACE DE ESTE SITIO DE INTERNET EN TODAS PARTES Y CONSULTA AL HACER LO MISMO. PARTE usted disfruta, compartir, copiar y pegar todos los días. Mateo CAPÍTULO 24: El versículo 14 Ezequiel Capítulo 38: El versículo 23; Isaías Capítulo 60: El versículo 22; Mateo CAPÍTULO 6: Los versículos 9 y 10 WWW.JW.ORG Responder · nelson san juan Hace 1 semana q q for anyone not believe in Jesus but have everlasting life sepierda Responder · Aldana G Compartido en Google+ · Hace 3 meses (editado) Pablo de Tarso, el misionero y esclavo de Cristo (película completa): Jesús dijo: El que halla su vida, la perderá; y el que pierde su vida por causa de mí, la hallará. Responder · 2 Adela Naranjos Compartido en Google+ · Hace 4 meses · Se ha compartido con mi corazon es tuyo y mio ;-) Pablo de Tarso, el misionero y esclavo de Cristo …: 14 Ver todas las 3 respuestas Maria Arroyo Hace 4 meses Amen Adela Naranjos Hace 3 meses Hola,gracias por compartir,Díos los bendiga.Hasta mañana. elvin pena Compartido en Google+ · Hace 3 semanas Check out this video on YouTube: Responder · ALEXANDRE CORRÊA LIMA Hace 4 días WWW.JW.ORG COPIE E COLE O LINK DESSE SITE EM TODO LUGAR NA INTERNET E PEÇA QUE FAÇAM O MESMO. PEÇA QUE CURTAM, COMPARTILHEM, COPIEM E COLEM TODOS OS DIAS. MATEUS CAPÍTULO 24: VERSÍCULO 14. EZEQUIEL CAPÍTULO 38:VERSÍCULO 23; ISAÍAS CAPÍTULO 60: VERSÍCULO 22; MATEUS CAPÍTULO 6: VERSÍCULOS 9 E 10 WWW.JW.ORG Responder · nelson san juan Hace 1 semana para q todo aquel q en jesus crea no sepierda mas tenga vida eterna Responder · Mario Rafael Hernandez Salazar Compartido en Google+ · Hace 1 mes Responder · Resh Hace 4 meses (editado) Gamaliel rulz :D Responder · ALEXANDRE CORRÊA LIMA Hace 4 días WWW.JW.ORG COPY AND PASTE THE LINK OF THIS SITE EVERYWHERE INTERNET AND ASK TO DO THE SAME. PART you enjoy, share, copy and paste EVERY DAY. MATTHEW CHAPTER 24: Verse 14 Ezekiel Chapter 38: Verse 23; Isaiah Chapter 60: Verse 22; MATTHEW CHAPTER 6: Verses 9 and 10 WWW.JW.ORG Responder · Ricardo Bonilla Hace 1 mes Jesucristo vive..... Alabado sea el rey de reyes y señor de señores!!! Responder · nelson san juan Hace 1 semana that's a lie saulo I was baptized in the name of Jesus and the one baptism q there is in the name of Jesus and q saulo baptize you in the name of Jesus, Philip, Peter and those of more tambn what icieron Peter said repent and baptized each one of you in the name of Jesus Christs for the forgiveness of sins ciendo q is for the forgiveness of sins only healthy jesus , salva.liberta , and forgive pecad you Responder · Mildred Inoa Compartido en Google+ · Hace 1 mes Responder · Brenda Landa Hace 2 meses Responder · Mostrar más Reproducción automática Siguiente JEREMIAS EL PROFETA ( LA PELICULA ) de UNGIDOdeDIOS1 179.748 visualizaciones 1:32:03 El reino del Profeta Salomón (Película) de HispanTV 796.135 visualizaciones 1:47:27 LA TUMBA PERDIDA DE JESUS ( JAMES CAMERON) BBC de Juan Pala 683.761 visualizaciones 1:42:21 Stalin el Imperio del Mal (1-2) - Stalin, el Tirano Rojo (La noche tematica) HQ de RoyKlauss 1.610.147 visualizaciones 1:23:48 JEREMIAS (El Profeta De Las Lamentaciones) de raulkorey1978 1.305.780 visualizaciones 1:31:23 Las prisiones mas duras del mundo Japon de DOCUMENTALES ANDAYA Recomendado para ti 1:00:27

La vida y las obras del Apóstol Pablo

San Pablo, que originalmente llevaba el nombre hebreo de Saulo, pertenecía a la tribu de Benjamín. Él nació en Tarso, capital de Cilicia (Asia Menor), que se destacaba, en aquel tiempo, por su academia griega y la cultura de sus habitantes. Siendo nativo de esta ciudad y descendiente de judíos liberados de la esclavitud romana, Pablo tenía los derechos del ciudadano romano. En Tarso, recibió su primera educación y allí mismo conoció la cultura pagana, ya que en sus prédicas y epístolas se hayan en claro el signo de haber conocido a los escritores paganos (Hch. 17:28; 1 Cor. 15:33; Tit. 1:12).

Su instrucción final la recibió en Jerusalén, en la famosa academia rabínica del renombrado maestro Gamaliel (Hch. 22:3) que era considerado un gran conocedor de la Ley a pesar de pertenecer a la fracción farisea. Era un librepensador (Hch. 5:34) y admirador de la sabiduría griega